Our school is committed to the development of the whole child. We provide a wide range of extra-curricular enrichment programs and experiences to further develop children’s all important personal and interpersonal knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Visual Art & Music
Classroom music, drama and school choir is incorporated into the curriculum and opportunities for individual and group performances are held throughout the year. Our school has a collection of musical instruments including violins, guitars, marimbas and percussion items and a specialist music room. Instrumental lessons are taught when specialist teachers are available. Our school also has a specialist art-room where students are able to explore their creativity through a range of media.
End of Year Concert
Our annual end of year Performance and Presentation evening is a highlight at the end of each year. It features a whole school musical production, show-casing children’s talents in performing arts and the presentation of awards to acknowledge effort and achievement. It is a celebration and acknowledgement of efforts and achievements by our whole school community.
AUSLAN - Languages other than English (LOTE)
All children in our school are provided with the opportunity to engage in learning AUSLAN. This is provided through weekly classroom lessons with their classroom teacher.
Bike Education
The Bicycle Education program is offered to children in Years 4, 5 and 6 to develop children’s each year. Children are encouraged to use their own bicycles, although there are school bicycle available for borrowing if required. The students learn the road rules and bicycle competence by riding around a number of courses set up within the school grounds.
Our library is well stocked with an array of books to suit all reading interests and abilities. Children are encouraged to borrow books on a regular basis. Library sessions are held with teachers during class times once a week. A Mobile Library visits the school fortnightly. Parents and children are encouraged to use its resources.
All children regularly are given the opportunity to engage in cooking activities throughout their primary schooling. This helps to make learning more fun and meaningful as well as to equip children with all important life skills.
All children are encouraged to minimise and dispose of waste to the correct recycling areas.The school has developed a recycling program which includes chickens, vegetable garden, orchard and composting. The school also has pet rabbits for the students to interact with.