School Council & Parent Involvement
Parent participation in our school activities and programs is widely encouraged. There are a range of ways parents can become involved.
School Council
Each school has a School Council which is the governing body of the school. The School Council has a number of roles and responsibilities which include:
- Determining the general educational policy, goals and priorities of the school within the framework of the Strategic Plan and State-wide guidelines.
- Developing a Strategic Plan.
- Monitoring and evaluating the performance of the school in relation to the goals and priorities in the strategic plan, including participating in the school review processes.
- Reporting annually to the school community and to the DET.
- Approving and monitoring the school budget (Including school-generated funds) which needs to be consistent with the strategic plan.
- Ensuring that all monies coming into the school budget (Including school generated funds) are consistent with the strategic plan.
- Ensuring that all monies coming into the hands of School Council are expended for proper purposes.
- Developing the Student Code of Conduct.
- Exercising a general oversight of the buildings and grounds, ensuring that they are kept in good order and condition.
- Providing for necessary cleaning and sanitation services.
- General stimulating interest in the school.
The Council meets during school terms and meetings are normally held on a nominated day of each month commencing at 5pm.
Council Composition
The current composition of the Newmerella Primary School Council is:
- 9 Non-Department employees
- 2 Department employees and the Principal
- Up to 2 community members
School council elections are held early in the year. Councillors serve a two year term in office with half retiring annually. Community members serve a one year term. A list of councillors will be published in the Newsletter after the election. Information about the elections is sent home early in Term 1.
Parental Involvement & Assistance
Parental Visits To School
Newmerella Primary School welcomes parent visits and active involvement in their children’s learning and development. However, it is important to be mindful that teachers and the Principal have heavy classroom and teaching commitments. To avoid disrupting classroom learning, parents are requested to limit contact and visits to the school. Signing in and out of the visitor book is also a requirement if visiting the school.
If parents wish to discuss their child’s progress or any problems related to their child, it is highly recommended that they ring or seek a mutually suitable time prior to the discussion. You will be contacted if your child appears unhappy, is experiencing specific difficulties in areas of learning, behaviour, social or emotional adjustment, of if there is any indication of hearing, visual, speech or physical difficulty. Likewise, we encourage parents to notify the school if you feel your child may be experiencing difficulty. It is advisable to arrange a mutually convenient time if you would like to discuss your child’s needs in detail, as teachers are not able to leave students unsupervised whilst speaking to parents.
Curriculum Activities
Our school has an open policy that encourages parents to be actively involved in their child's learning and development. Partnerships between students, staff, parents and the wider school community are fostered and highly valued. We look to parents for support and cooperation in our curriculum programs, whole school events, fundraising, school council and parent teacher interviews.