Core Curriculum
We provide a comprehensive range of academic, social, arts, music, camps, sports, leadership, wellbeing, and environmental programs that cater for the diverse needs of all students.
Our School Strategic Curriculum Priority
Our curriculum priority is to improve literacy and numeracy with a key focus on writing.
The Victorian Curriculum F–10
The Victorian Curriculum F–10 incorporates the Australian Curriculum and reflects Victorian priorities and standards. It sets out what every student should learn during their first eleven years of schooling. From 2017 the Victorian Curriculum F–10 will support the planning for whole school teaching and learning.
Far East Cluster Schools
Our school is an active member of the Far East Cluster of schools that works closely together to improve teaching and learning. The Cluster arranges a wide range of academic, social and sporting opportunities for students whilst also providing professional development opportunities for teaching staff.
Information Technology
Our school is at the forefront and a leader in its technology resources which include electronic interactive whiteboards and up to date netbook and ipad computers in every classroom. We also offer a 1:1 student netbook program.
We aim to optimize the use of ICT as a tool within the curriculum to provide stimulating learning activities that engage students in their own learning.
Explicit Instructional Model
This model is used by Newmerella Primary School teachers as a lesson planning guide and covers all stages of a lesson from the hook that is used to engage student interest at the beginning through to reviewing what and how the students have learned, at the end.