Camps, Excursions & Incursions
Camps, excursions & incursions are vitally important to learning and development. They provide an opportunity for practical real life experiences that reinforce and add to classroom learning to greater engage children in their learning.
Excursions and Incursions Program
To make learning more meaning and relevant to children and to reinforce classroom learning, excursions and incursions will be offered to provide real life experiences for children.
So as they can support children’s preview learning and be prepared, parents will be informed well in advance of such events. Charges for local non-overnight excursions will be included as part of the school fees. Parents will be advised of the cost of non-local excursions well in advance. Incursions and excursions include guest speakers, sports development coaches and performing arts visits and excursions to local businesses, industries and services, the beach and local places of interest.
The camps program aims:
- Further develop children’s independence, resilience, self-confidence, cooperation, teamwork, self- esteem, and leadership skills
- To further develop children’s outdoor recreation skills and safety
- Develop children’s awareness and appreciation of the local, natural environment
- Develop children awareness and appreciation of local outdoor recreational opportunities
- Further develop children’s understanding of Australia’s history, government, cultural diversity and city life
It is expected that all children will participate in the camps program, unless there are medical reasons.
Year 5 and 6
Year 5 and 6 students will be offered the following opportunities and experiences
- An outdoor education, leadership three day camp at beginning of year on a two year rotation to local locations. Activities may include bike riding, canoeing, beach walking, hiking, swimming, camp cooking, orienteering, fishing and others.
- A five day camp.
- Every second year, 9 day DET Sommer’s Adventure Camp for Year 5 and 6 students.
Year 3 and 4
- A three day camp to Eden in October and a four day camp at Sovereign Hill Ballarat in August on alternate years.
Year 1 and 2
- Overnight sleepover at school in Term 4 each year.
All Camps and Excursions consent forms together with further information will be sent home for parents as dates approach.